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Overcome your fear of the white page

A Workshop to Work Creatively Freely on a New Canvas

Have you ever stared at a blank sheet of paper or canvas,
not knowing where to start?
Did you feel the fear of doing something wrong and
therefore get stuck in your creative process?
Don't worry, you are not alone!

Many people experience this “fear of the blank page” when starting a new art project.
Fortunately, there is now a workshop specifically designed to help you overcome this fear and work more freely on a new canvas! This workshop is intended for groups of 2 to 10 people and offers various techniques and strategies to unleash your creativity.

The workshop begins by recognizing the fear that often accompanies starting a new work of art. Through group assignments and individual reflection you will learn that this fear is normal and that everyone struggles with it. This realization alone can take a huge burden off your shoulders.
Various techniques are then taught to break down the formal barriers between you and the canvas.

A range of materials, endless possibilities

Another part of the workshop is the use of different materials and textures. By experimenting with all the materials in the studio, you will discover new ways to add shape and texture to your work of art.

This not only helps to break the formal approach, but can also lead to surprising results .
The point is that you start painting without a plan or expectations, purely based on your feelings and emotions .

It is breaking free from the pressure to create something “perfect” and opens the door to new possibilities. Many people are afraid of making mistakes or considering their work as “ not good enough ”. But in this workshop you will learn that mistakes can be valuable and that perfection is a subjective concept. You will learn to apply these insights during this 5-hour workshop.

The “Fear of the White Leaf” workshop offers a safe and supportive environment in which you can learn to work more freely on a new canvas. This workshop will help you let go of fears and confidently continue your creative journey.

So what are you waiting for?

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